Be kind to nerds: Make your bibtex entry available
For my less than nerdy readers, BibTeX is a program for generating bibliographies for publications written using the LaTeX typesetting system. LaTeX is the method of choice for producing technical documents in computer science and several other fields.
This afternoon I'm working on my proposal and wanted to cite two of the most fundamental texts in computer science. After Googling and swearing for a couple of minutes I found an entry for Knuth on a BibTeX tutorial, and nothing for the second text. So I've made the entries myself instead of cutting and pasting as I had hoped. And now, after wasting much more time blogging than I wasted generating the entries, I present for the hordes of hurried computer scientists the BibTeX entries for Knuth volume 1 and Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein.
author = {Donald E. Knuth},
title = {Fundamental Algorithms},
volume = {1},
series = {The Art of Computer Programming},
publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
edition = {3rd},
address = {Reading, Massachusetts},
year = {1997}
author = "T.~H. Cormen and C.~E. Leiserson and R.~L. Rivest and C.~Stein",
edition = "2nd",
publisher = "MIT Press and McGraw-Hill Book Company",
title = "Introduction to Algorithms",
year = "2001"