Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The dreaded naked wall

Not much news on the school front. I managed a return to the pool last week after recovering from my cold, and now I'm working on getting back in shape. I've had to start back at the beginning, swimming for 20 minutes and trying to survive. By the end of next week I'll be back to 45 minutes. That is the one thing about being sick I dislike the most.

Lidia is starting to show more, and is surely going to get sick of me telling her how cute her belly is and slug me before June. Last weekend we started to make space for the baby. We rearranged the bedroom to make space for a recliner and book case from the office. It has made a nice reading space in the bedroom that I'll enjoy using. Now the office is almost half empty, and will be once we take off part of the desk and relocate the keyboard. The empty space is just waiting to be filled by the baby. Anyone have any neat ideas on decorating baby room/ office space?

As part of the rearranging we also finally got around to hanging a few pictures on the walls in the bedroom. We have lived in our place for eight months now with nothing on the walls except a clock in the office, and a calendar and a few pictures in the kitchen. Sad, yes, but neither of us is big into decorating. Anyway, now we at least have pictures on the walls in the bedroom too.

As part of the rearranging and picture hanging process we discovered that at one point we had, gasp, a naked wall. This is a wall that has been completely empty for over half a year, and by hanging a picture on it that is a little too small it is suddenly naked, and naked is worse than empty. I'm not sure how the decorative physics all works out. I guess the desolate wall look is a fashion statement itself and when you hang pictures you aren't allowed to stop somewhere between barren emptiness and a dense population. Disaster was avoiding by relocating the lamp on the wall and finding a larger picture for the space. The wall is no longer nude, and is suitable for viewing by family audiences.

This weekend the search for a crib and other baby furniture begins. I just hope we don't wind up floating from store to store in the rain.


Blogger Editor in Chief said...

One word. REGISTER!!! At Target, Babies R Us, etc. That way everyone involved (no matter how far away!) knows what you are thinking in terms of baby decorating and can help out by buying you great stuff! One of the perks....

8:36 PM  

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